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Thursday, October 31, 2013

This took awhile, but here goes!!

1.What are your hobbies? Sewing, Quilting, Gardening, Cooking, And teaching Violin!!

2.What are your favorite colors? Red, green, all shades!

3.Do you collect anything? Owls, and anything Boxer!!

4.Are you allergic to any fibers or animals? Not that I am aware of!

5.Do you have any pets? A Boxer named Rocco, 4 1/2 yrs old!

6.Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate? Black plain coffee!! I really do not stray from this choice!!

7.What do you like to read? Love Stories and Mysteries!

8.Do you prefer Cookies or Candies as a sweet? Candies, anything RED!!

9.What is your favorite holiday treat? Candy Canes!!

10.Describe your favorite holiday tradition. We always taped the conversation at our X-mas breakfast meal! Now we tape the conversation at our X-mas dinner with the whole family!!

11.Did you believe in Santa as a child? Oh yes most definitely!!

12.When do you open presents? Christmas morning!

13.Do you put up a tree and when? If not, how do you celebrate? Tree goes up the Day after Thanksgiving, if I haven't already put it up!

14.Does your tree have a theme? Sometimes! It may this year, not sure!!

15.What has been your favorite gift to give? to receive? I love anything homemade!!

I really am not picky on any of these answers to these questions! It is just fun to fill them out!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Time to Swap and other things!!

It's Secret Santa Swap Time!! I am so ready for this. I have some great ideas for my swap partner, whoever you are! LOL!!

I have been sew busy this past summer, right up until now. I am ashamed to say I have neglected my blog and really need to take the time to blog daily, like my daughter does writing in her journal. These actions clear your mind and allows you to move on to your next project. On the 25th of October, I am going to Ohio to re-upholster my Mother's lift chair. Hoping it will only take three days. That is all the time I have for this trip. NO SLEEPING!!

Next Monday I am in charge of a luncheon being sponsored by The Lansing Historical Society, for LARC. LARC trains and cares for adult mentally and physically challenged residents in Lansing. This is the 3rd lunch I have planned for them over the last 6 years. Lots of fun to be had! My husband Joe will be the entertainment with his "magical fingers" on the piano. Several volunteers of which I will be most indebted to will be on hand setting up tables, chairs and serving food they helped prepare! Thank you ever so much to all of you!!