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Monday, October 31, 2011

Most recent Apron/Table Runner Swap!!

Just look how colorful this package was to open!! This is the beautiful Table Runner that Nadine made for me!! How lucky am I!!! Yeah!!! Godiva Chocolate, a Martha Stewart Magazine, some Popourri, and the runner is reversible!!!
Two very nice Hot pads and a little pouch called a schoop schoop, to hold receipts in my purse. Last but not least, some Hot Cocoa!! Thank you ever so much Nadine!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Clearing out my blog!!

I tried to adjust the layout of my blog site and messed it all up. I have cleared all post before September 2011 so I can start over. I will get the hang of blogging eventually.

Joe and I are heading up to Milwaukee this morning to see our new Grandson, Joseph Amadeo. I was there yesterday, and can't wait to see him again! Yeah!!! He is so tiny...only 18 1/2 inches long.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pictures of my new Grandchild Joseph Amadeo

I saw this precious little boy for the first time today!! So sweet, I just didn't want to put him down!!My daughter and I drove to Milwaukee this morning and spent the day with him!! Tomorrow my husband and I are going up to Milwaukee again so he can see this very cute baby that has been given his name...Joseph Amadeo Saia...Nice solid Italian name.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dogmom Diva: Plugging Along on a Pink Saturday..

Dogmom Diva: Plugging Along on a Pink Saturday..

Our new Grandchild has arrived!!

Little Joseph arrived last evening after a long day of labor!! He was 7lbs 4oz and I wasn't told how long?!? I will get to see him tomorrow!! Yeah!! And then again on Monday!! So his birthday is October 14th. I will post pics just as soon as I can for all to see!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Shawnee's Table Runner Swap!!

I have finished the Table Runner that I signed up to make and swap!!! Sure wish I was keeping this one!! However, I am sending it to a very special Lady!! I am not going to say to whom, no matter how much I want to tell you!! LOL!!
I am sure it will be loved!!  It , that is the Runner, has two sides! One plain side for the chosen season!! And the other for specific holiday in question!! I am sorry the swapping for the year has come to a close!!!

This is the Hot pad I am giving to my daughter for her use at Thanksgiving!! Don't you just love the Turkey fabric!!

Okay, I have to get back to my Violin students!! One more to go for the day!!

October 14, 2011

I have finally transfered pictures from my camera for Pete and Jessica's Baby Shower!! I am just so excited to become a Nana again!! Maybe today, but we will see... Picture one: These are the Kleenex Holders that Karen from Sew Much 2 Luv made me!! She is such a sweetie, and everyone at the shower thought the favors were great!

Picture 2:

Jessica and Peter's Baby Shower!

Here are the pics I promised from the Baby Shower!!